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Social elections

Essential Guidance for Employers and Employees

Every four years, many entities in Belgium are obliged to organize social elections for a Works Council and/or a Committee for Prevention and Protection at the workplace, respectively.

Employers required to organize these elections must start the process between 15 December and 28 December 2023, if their company had an average of at least fifty employees from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.

During the elections, employees will elect representatives for the Works Council and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work, based on specific employee thresholds.

Preparing for these elections is crucial due to legal protections for candidates, potential legal appeals, possible sanctions for non-compliance, and the need for accurate assessment of Technical Business Units (TBUs).

To help you navigate the process, our social elections manual offers straightforward guidance for approaching the 2024 Social Elections in Belgium, which will occur between May 13 and May 26, 2024.


This manual provides concise and easy-to-use guidance on how to approach the 2024 Social Elections in Belgium. With the election day set between May 13 and May 26, 2024, employers obligated to organize social elections must initiate the procedure to do so at the latest in the period between 15 and 28 December 2023.

Social elections calendar

The social elections will take place from 13 May 2024 until 26 May 2024.

With this tool you will discover which key dates you have to comply with in order to organize the elections correctly, under the condition that the agreement of the social partners will be endorsed by the government.

X-60 15.12.2023

Start of the preliminary procedure.

X-35 09.01.2024

The employer decides on the technical business unit and the functions of the supervisory and managerial personnel.

X-30 14.01.2024

Start of the period during which the candidates benefit from protection against dismissal.

X-28 16.01.2024

Final date for appeal before the Employment Court against decisions X-35.

X-5 08.02.2024

Final date for the Employment Court to judge about the appeal.

X 13.02.2024

Bill-posting of the notice that announces: the date of the election, the determination of the TBU, the number of mandates in the Works Council and in the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work, the provisional election lists, the lists with the middle and upper management, the data resulting from the election procedure, the person or service charged by the employer with sending or distributing the convocation letters, decision to vote electronically (if applicable).

X+7 20.02.2024

Final date to protest (at company level) the notice posted on X.

X+14 27.02.2024

Decision about the internal complaint on X+7.

X+21 05.03.2024

Final date for appeal before the Employment Court against decisions X+14.

X+28 12.03.2024

The electoral roll is final.

X+35 19.03.2024

Final date to submit the candidate lists.

X+40 24.03.2024

Bill-posting of the candidates lists by the employer (or electronic notification)/ Appointment of the chairmen of the electoral offices.

X+47 31.03.2024

Possible change of/or complaint against the candidate lists.

X+48 01.04.2024

The complaint will be submitted to the trade unions by the employer.

X+52 05.04.2024

Final date for appeal before the Employment Court by the employer in case of no complaint on X+47.

X+54 07.04.2024

Final date change of candidate lists/ Appointment of all members of the electoral offices.

X+56 09.04.2024

Bill-posting (modified) candidate lists/ Agreement on voting by postal ballot.

X+60 13.04.2024

Bill-posting of the composition of the electoral offices.

X+61 14.04.2024

Final date to appeal before the Employment Court against the (modified) candidate lists which gave rise to a complaint on ultimately X+47.

X+66 19.04.2024

Final date for the Employment Court to take a decision on the appeal regarding the candidate lists insofar no complaint was filed.

X+70 23.04.2024

Appointment of competent witnesses for the elections.

X+75 28.04.2024

Final date for the Employment Court to take a decision on the appeal against the (modified) candidate lists in case of a complaint on ultimately X+47.

X+76 29.04.2024

Final date to replace candidates.

X+77 30.04.2024

Final closing of the candidate lists and drawing up of ballots.

X+79 02.05.2024

Possible termination of the election procedure.

X+80 03.05.204

Convocation of the voters.

X+82 05.05.2024

Final date for the convocation of the voters.

Y 13.05.2024

Date of the social elections.

Y+1 14.05.2024

Closing of the voting process.

Y+2 15.05.2024

Bill-posting of the results of the social elections and composition of the Works Council and/or the Committee for prevention and protection at work.

Y+15 28.05.2024

Final date to appeal before the Employment Court requesting the (partial) nullity of the social elections or the decision to terminate the procedure or a request to amend the election results.

Y+25 07.06.2024

Until this day the employer must keep all documents that were used to conduct the social elections.

Y+45 27.06.2024

Final date for the first meeting of the Works Council and/or the Committee for prevention and protection at work.

Y+69 21.07.2024

Decision of the Employment Court regarding Y+15.

Y+84 05.08.2024

Final date to appeal before the Employment Appeal Court.

Y+86 07.08.2024

Removal of all bill-posted notices.

Y+144 04.10.2024

Final date for the Employment Appeal Court to decide on the appeal.

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